
Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations

During your initial visit, you will be asked questions about your medical and hearing history. Then the Hearing care professional will use a video otoscope to inspect your outer ear and your ear canal for any abnormalities that may affect your hearing test results or require you to visit an ENT doctor. Next, the Hearing care professional will conduct several tests to determine:

  • Whether or not a hearing loss exists
  • The possible causes of your hearing challenges
  • The type and severity of your hearing loss
  • The best treatment options will be discussed

Audiometric Test You will be tested using a series of low & high frequency words to determine your ability to understand verbiage within a short distance as in a conversation. We will also give you several words to repeat. The results will help us determine your percentage of hearing loss, your ability to understand speech.

Tympanometry Tympanometry is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the tiny bones (ossicular chain) by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal.

OAEs Acoustically evoked otoacoustic emission testing allows the hearing instrument provider to understand how the outer hair cells of your inner ear are working.

Tinnitus Evaluation and Management

Tinnitus is a common condition, where a person experiences a ringing, rushing, or buzzing in the ears. Tinnitus will not cause you to go deaf, but its presence may affect your daily activities. Our professionals can help recommend a course of action to deal with this persistent problem. Each person has an individual response to treatment. Our goal is to work with you to relieve this condition.

Technologically Advanced Hearing Aids with Bluetooth Compatibility

We offer the most technologically advanced digital hearing aids and offer a variety of options designed to meet any budget. If you need hearing aids to work with Bluetooth technology, we can help you choose the hearing aid that is best for you.

Fitting and Follow-Up Care

Live Speech Mapping

Live Speech Mapping is a fitting process that uses probe microphones and live real-time speech to allow the patient and their family members to immediately see and understand the benefits of hearing aids and fitting adjustments.

Cerumen (Wax) Management

Earwax, or cerumen, is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal. Its purpose is to protect and clean the skin of the human ear canal while protecting it from debris, bacteria and water. Sometimes the ear produces too much wax which can become impacted and press against the eardrum. This can impair the ability to hear. We can assist in the safe removal of ear wax


For your convenience, we offer a few financing options.

Custom Ear Molds and Plugs

We provide custom hearing protection as well as custom molds for iPods and Sleep Plugs. We also sell Musician Plugs ER-9, 15, 25 and Musician’s Monitors.